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Restorative Justice Dorset

Covers Dorset Council and BCP Council areas.

Restorative Justice (RJ) brings together people harmed by crime and those responsible for the harm. This helps everyone involved to repair the harm and find a positive way forward.

Victims benefit from RJ because they get to be heard and help decide how to fix the harm. 85% of victims recommend RJ.

Offenders get to face the consequences of their actions, understand their impact, and make amends.

The service is free, voluntary and impartial.

Who it is for

Referrals into RJ will only be considered if the victim was the first to ask for it. There must be a clear victim and offender, and the offender must admit responsibility and be found guilty. 

All cases go through a multi-agency risk assessment to see if RJ is suitable.

If a victim or offender is being supported by a Criminal Justice System (CJS) agency or partner, we will keep that organisation up to date with an RJ referral. They will be involved in the assessment process.

How to refer

If you would like to find out more, to arrange a briefing or awareness raising session for your organisation, or to make a referral please contact the RJ team:

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