About us
Find out why BCP Council was created and what our Code of Governance, values and behaviours are.
Budgets and finance
Information about what we spend and how we spend it, including our council budget and payments to suppliers.
Your councillors
Who your local councillors are, how to contact them and how to become one.
Council and committee meetings
What each committee does and what committee panels councillors are on.
Have your say Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (consultations)
Find out how you can engage with us directly and how to take part in consultations and surveys.
Data protection and requesting information from us
How we use information and how to request information about yourself or us.
Strategies, plans and policies
A list of all of our strategies, plans and policies and what they mean for you.
Corporate strategy
A shared vision is our corporate strategy for Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole where people, nature, coast and towns come together in sustainable, safe and healthy communities.
How council decisions are made
Who makes council decisions and how they are made.
Sell to us
How to sell services and goods to us, current opportunities and support with becoming a supplier
Equality diversity and inclusion
How we are committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion.
Statistics, data and census
Key facts and figures about the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area.
Civic dignitaries
Who your civic dignitaries are, their responsibilities and how to invite them to an event.
Research reports
View research reports about Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
Byelaws access and policies
Byelaws are local laws made by us under an enabling power contained in a public general act or a local act requiring something to be done, or not done, in a specified area.
How young people can get involved in local and national government
We offer a range of opportunities for people aged 11 to 19 to participate in both local and national decision making for youth projects.