Find a school
Visit our Family Information Directory (FID) to find schools and other education facilities in our area.
Support with education
Find out about free school meals, attendance, suspension and exclusion, school uniform and educational psychology.
School admissions
How to apply for a school place, make a change, appeal a decision, and other useful information.
Educating your child at home (Elective Home Education)
Parents can choose to take full responsibility for providing their child with a full-time, efficient education suitable to their needs. This is known as Elective Home Education (EHE).
School transport
Apply for or renew school transport, appeal a school transport decision or contact school transport services.
School term and holiday dates
Find your child's school term, half term and holiday dates.
School performance reports
Visit GOV.UK to compare schools and education facilities in our area.
Become a school governor
How to apply to become a school governor.
Inclusive Quality Mark (IQM)
Our Inclusion Quality Mark is a signal to parents that a school is working hard to accommodate students with varying backgrounds and educational needs.
Join a local adult learning course
Search and apply for a local training course with Skills and Learning ACE. Gain new skills, improve your employability and get help progressing in your career.
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)
What SACRE is, and how to view agendas and minutes from previous meetings.
Children Missing Education (CME)
If a child of school age is not in school and is not getting suitable education at home, they may be a CME.