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Proposed phased closure of Parkfield School

If the proposal to close the school is approved, it is planned that the closure will be phased as follows:

Children with an Education, Health and Social Care Plan (EHCP)

Children with an Education, Health and Social Care Plan (EHCP) will receive details of local schools and admission for these children will be prioritised in accordance with the arrangements set out in the SEND Code of Practice. It is planned that children with an EHCP in year groups reception up to and including 9 will receive an alternative offer of a school to start in September 2024. Our Special Educational Needs Team will liaise with families to ensure that new school, provision and individual funding is managed effectively. The SEND Team will contact you about this.

Children in year group reception up to and including year 9

Children currently on roll at Parkfield School in year groups from reception up to and including year 9 will remain on roll until the end of this academic year (2023/2024). At the end of this academic year, the school will close to these year groups. Parents and carers will receive an offer of an alternative school place and will start on roll at a new school in September 2024 (2024/25 academic year).

Children in year group 10

Children currently on roll in year group 10 will remain on roll at Parkfield School enabling completion of their GCSE studies. This means that the year 10 children will move into year 11 in September 2024 and complete the 2024/2025 academic year. The school will officially close to the current year 10 on 31 August 2025.

Children in year group 11

The current year 11 currently on roll will complete their GCSE studies at Parkfield School during this academic year. The school will close to the year 11 year group at that point and children will be supported by the council and local schools to take up their offer of a post-16 place.

Year group reception new starters

New reception class children offered places at Parkfield School to start in September 2024 will receive an alternative offer of a place and will start on roll at a new school in September 2024.

Year group 7 new starters

Year 7 new starters offered places at Parkfield to start in September 2024 will receive an alternative offer of a place and will start on roll at a new school in September 2024.

Families with 2 or more children

Families with 2 or more children will be considered for admission to attend the same school.

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