As a tenant, we expect you to keep your garden tidy. Look after paths, patios and decking areas and mow your lawns. You’re not allowed to dump or store rubbish in your garden.
Contact us on 0800 0281 870 for advice before you remove any trees on your property. Some trees are protected by tree preservation orders. We will not cut down trees unless they are dangerous, encroaching or diseased.
Shared grounds and gardens
We will visit to look after shared gardens and grounds regularly. This includes grass cutting and pruning of shrubs.
If you think more work needs to be done on the grounds, please speak to us while we're visiting or call the repairs desk.
We will remove things like paddling pools, trampolines or garden toys if they are left unattended while we visit.
Help with your garden
If your garden is becoming too much for you to manage, call us on 0800 0281 870. We can help you move somewhere more manageable, or see if you are eligible for our assisted gardening service.
Assisted gardening is only available to council tenants who are over 75 and living in a 1-bedroom bungalow with a tenancy dating from before 1 June 2005. The service includes 4 visits for grass cutting and 2 for pruning hedges and shrubs per year.