Permits are issued subject to the current Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (Parking Regulation, On-Street Parking Places and Off-Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2021.
Permit details
This permit allows parking in the following Christchurch car parks:
- Avon Beach: unlimited
- Avon Run Road: unlimited
- Bank Close: unlimited*
- Bridge Street: 2 hours only 8am to 7pm*
- Bypass: 2 hours only 8am - 7pm (except designated long stay parking bays)*
- Christchurch Quay: unlimited
- Highcliffe Castle: 4 hours only (all year)**
- Highcliffe Cliff Top: unlimited
- Leisure Centre: unlimited
- Mayors Mead: unlimited
- Mudeford Quay: unlimited
- Priory: 4 hours only (1 April to 30 September)**
- Purewell Dairy: unlimited
- Saxon Square: 2 hours only 8am to 7pm (There are designated long stay bays on the lower ground floor for season permit holders who want to park for up to 4 hours)*
- Southcliffe Road: unlimited
- Steamer Point: unlimited
- Wick Lane: 2 hours only 8am to 6:30pm*
- Willow Way: unlimited
- Wortley Road: unlimited
*Return prohibited within three hours
**Return prohibited
- the permit is for use on the specified vehicle(s) only (ie motor car, 3 wheeler or motor cycle combination).
- permits can be shared between two specified vehicles but cannot be used at the same time. The virtual permit system can register when the permit is being used fraudulently. If this is found to be the case your permit will be cancelled and no refund issued
- in the event of a change of vehicle, please update the online system with the new registration number, make and colour on the date of change
- vehicles are admitted and left at the owner's risk. The Council will not be liable for any loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents unless caused by the negligence of the Council
- the purchase of a permit does not guarantee that a parking space will be available
- please note that a 2 metre height restriction applies in most car parks (1.95m in Wick Lane and Leisure Centre East)
- season tickets are not valid for use on the following classes of vehicles: - heavy goods vehicles, buses, caravans and coaches or vehicles exceeding 3.5 tonnes (3,500 kg) in weight
- we reserve the right to withdraw any season ticket found to have been improperly issued or used
- for any information about permits, please contact us
The Conditions of Use for Full Annual Parking Permits have been amended to allow unlimited parking in the town centre shopping car parks during the evening/overnight period where the £2 overnight charge is in place.
Please retain receipt email as proof of payment.
The definition of the following in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (Parking Regulation, On-Street Parking Places and Off-Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2021:
- resident of the borough - means a person who is resident within the area formerly known as the Borough of Christchurch on the date of application and whose name would normally appear on the Electoral Register prepared for the said borough
- owner of business premises - means a person who is the sole proprietor or partner of business premises situated in the area formerly known as the Borough of Christchurch but excluding company shareholders
Where an application is made in the name of a business premises on behalf of and for staff members, the only staff eligible for an annual permit at the resident rate, will be those who live in the area formerly known as the Borough of Christchurch on the date of application. A single application for each permit will need to be completed with the relevant details in order for each permit to be issued and the appropriate fee charged.
Vehicle excise licence and certificate of insurance
Parking permit holders are reminded that it is a condition of the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (Parking Regulation, On-Street Parking Places and Off-Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2021 that the specified vehicle must be properly and currently taxed and insured when located in any of the council car parks specified in the Order.
Road Traffic Act 1991- offences
Permit holders are advised that it is an offence to ignore direction signs and arrows and speed restrictions in off street car parks. Prosecution can be brought by the Police under above Act.
A refund in respect of any unexpired period will be made on request. This will be calculated at 70% of the value outstanding for the remaining full calendar months.
At certain times of the year the council reserves the right to grant free parking. No refund of the permit fee will be made in respect of such periods.
Right to cancel
Full details can be found in the cancellation terms and conditions.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018
The Council will use any data provided within this application for the issue of parking permits and the detection of outstanding enforcement notices. It may also be disclosed to other departments within the council or external parties for related purposes or as required by law. All processing of this data will be in accordance with GDPR 2018.
Personal and sensitive personal information can include, for example, your name, address, email address, registration number and any physical health information provided at the time of application.
National Fraud Initiative (NFI) Statement
This authority is required by law to protect the public funds it administers. It may share information provided to it with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, in order to prevent and detect fraud.