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Examination library

The examination library consists of the submission documents and the evidence base of core documents that support the local plan and charging schedule. Correspondence with the Inspectors can be viewed through the Programme Officer’s website.

CIL Draft Charging Schedule
Reference Evidence document
DCS01 Draft CIL Charging Schedule – consultation version May 2024
DCS02 Statement of Representations June 2024
DCS03 Representations on Draft Charging Schedule – June 2024
Our natural environment
Reference Evidence document
ONE1a Dorset Heathlands Planning Framework 2020-2025 SPD
ONE1b Dorset Heathlands Planning Framework SPD - reference list
ONE2 Urban development and the Dorset Heaths: Long term analysis and evidence base review (2022)
ONE2a Urban development and the Dorset Heaths: Long term analysis and evidence base review (2022)
ONE2b Urban development and the Dorset Heaths: Long term analysis and evidence base review (2022) - addendum
ONE3 Strategic SANG Delivery Strategy (2022)
ONE4a Poole Harbour Recreation SPD 2019-2024 (2020)
ONE4b Poole Harbour Recreation SPD - reference list
ONE5 Poole Harbour Disturbance Study 2019/20
ONE6 Dorset Heathlands Interim Air Quality Strategy 2020-2025
ONE7 Nitrogen Reduction in Poole Harbour SPD (2015)
ONE8 Nitrogen Reduction in Poole Harbour - monitoring report (2022)
ONE9 Draft New Forest Recreation SAMMs Strategy (2023)
ONE10 River Avon - catchment map of Christchurch waste water treatment works
ONE11 River Avon - technical report for the Avon phosphates review (2023)
ONE12a Green Infrastructure Strategy summary (2022)
ONE12b Green Infrastructure Strategy appendices (2022)
ONE12c Green Infrastructure Strategy technical document (2022)
ONE13 2050 BCP Urban Forest Strategy Consultation Draft (2023) 
ONE14 Dorset Landscape Assessment Map
ONE15 BCP Seafront Strategy (2022)
ONE16 Dorset Local Geodiversity Action Plan (2005)
ONE17 South Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan (2018) 
ONE18 Stour Valley Park Strategy Document (2022)
ONE19a Landscape Sensitivity to Wind and Solar Energy Development part 1 (2014)
ONE19b Landscape Sensitivity to Wind and Solar Energy Development part 2 (2014)
ONE20 BCP Greenspace Play and Wheeled Activity Strategy
Reference Evidence document
HOM1a BCP and Dorset Local Housing Needs Assessment (November 2021)
HOM1b Review of Housing Need - Examining demographics and testing the Standard Method in BCP and Dorset (December 2021)
HOM1c Impact of Housing Need Sensitivity Report (November 2021).
HOM2 Dorset Council and BCP Council Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment(August 2022)
HOM3a Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (March 2024)
HOM3b HELAA - Excluded residential sites
HOM3c HELAA - Sites not suitable for residential
HOM3d HELAA - Suitable and available residential sites
HOM3e HELAA - Residential sites with availability challenges
HOM3f HELAA - Possible employment sites
HOM3g HELAA - An interactive map of the sites
HOM4a Article 4 Direction - Houses in Multiple Occupation in Bournemouth (2011)
HOM4b Article 4 Direction - Houses in Multiple Occupation in Poole (2013)
HOM5a First Homes (2021)
HOM5b First Homes local authority guidance (2024)
HOM6 Building for Life 12 (2015)
HOM7 Technical housing standards – nationally described space standard (2016)
HOM8 Building Regulations Access to and use of buildings: Approved Document M (2021)
HOM9 Planning policy for traveller sites (Dec 2023)
HOM10a Housing Delivery Report 2024
HOM10b Housing Delivery Report June 2024
HOM11  Planning Permissions - Status at 1 April 2023
HOM11b Planning Permissions - Status at 1 April 2024 –June 2024
HOM12 Gypsy and Traveller Background Paper June 2024
HOM13 Urban Capacity Testing of allocated sites – June 2024
HOM14 Five Year Housing Land Supply for Local Plan June 2024
HOM14 Lansdowne Design Code
Ward policies
Reference Evidence document
WP1 Ward profiles
Current development plan
Reference Evidence document
DP1a Bournemouth Core Strategy (2012)
DP2a Bournemouth Policies Map - East of the Bournemouth area
DP2b Bournemouth Policies Map - West of the Bournemouth area
DP3 Bournemouth Town Centre Area Action Plan (2013)
DP4 Bournemouth Affordable Housing Development Plan Document (2009)
DP5a Bournemouth schedule of saved policies
DP5b Bournemouth Local Plan - contents page (2002)
DP5c Bournemouth Local Plan (2002)
DP6 Christchurch and East Dorset Core Strategy (2014)
DP7a Christchurch Policies Map - key to the map
DP7b Christchurch Policies Map - the west of the map
DP7c Christchurch Policies Map - the east of the map
DP7d Christchurch Policies Map - town centre map
DP7e Christchurch Policies Map - Highcliffe map
DP8a Christchurch schedule of saved policies
DP8b Christchurch Local Plan 2001 Status of Policies
DP8c Christchurch Local Plan 2001 - Contents
DP8d Christchurch Local Plan 2001 - Chapter 1: Introduction
DP8e Christchurch Local Plan 2001 - Chapter 2: Present Situation
DP8f Christchurch Local Plan 2001 -Chapter 3: Natural Environment
DP8g Christchurch Local Plan 2001 -Chapter 4: Built Environment
DP8h Christchurch Local Plan 2001 - Chapter 5: Housing
DP8i Christchurch Local Plan 2001 - Chapter 6: The Economy
DP8j Christchurch Local Plan 2001 - Chapter 7: Transport
DP8k Christchurch Local Plan 2001 - Chapter 8: Leisure & Community needs
DP8l Christchurch Local Plan 2001 - Chapter 9: Implementation
DP9 Poole Local Plan (2018)
DP9a Poole Policies Map - complete Poole map
DP9b Poole Policies Map - town centre inset
DP9c Poole Policies Map - district centre insets.
DP10a BCP and Dorset Minerals Strategy (Chapters 1 - 8) (2014)
DP10b BCP and Dorset Minerals Strategy Minerals Strategy (Chapters 9 - 17) (2014)
DP11 BCP and Dorset Minerals Strategy - Policies Map
DP12a BCP and Dorset Mineral Sites Plan 2019 - Part 1 - Pages 1 to 64
DP12b BCP and Dorset Mineral Sites Plan 2019 - Part 2 - Submission Policies Map and Inset Maps
DP12c BCP and Dorset Mineral Sites Plan 2019 - Part 3 - Appendices and Glossary
DP13a BCP and Dorset Waste Plan 2019 - Part 1
DP13b BCP and Dorset Waste Plan 2019 - Part 2
DP13c BCP and Dorset Waste Plan 2019 - Part 3 - Appendix 1 and 2
DP13d BCP and Dorset Waste Plan 2019 - Part 4 - Appendix 3 Insets 1 and 2
DP13e BCP and Dorset Waste Plan 2019 - Part 5 - Appendix 3 Insets 3 and 4
DP13f BCP and Dorset Waste Plan 2019 - Part 6 - Appendix 3 Insets 5 and 6
DP13g BCP and Dorset Waste Plan 2019 - Part 7 - Appendix 3 Insets 7 and 8
DP13h BCP and Dorset Waste Plan 2019 - Part 8 - Appendix 3 Insets 9 and 10
DP13i BCP and Dorset Waste Plan 2019 - Part 9 - Appendix 3 Insets 11 and 12
DP13j BCP and Dorset Waste Plan 2019 - Part 10 - Appendix 4 and 5
DP14a Neighbourhood Plan for Boscombe and Pokesdown
DP14b Boscombe and Pokesdown - neighbourhood plan area
DP15a Broadstone Neighbourhood Plan - Introduction (2018)
DP15b Broadstone Neighbourhood Plan - Section 1: Broadstone Past, Present and Future
DP15c Broadstone Neighbourhood Plan - Section 2: Sustainable Development and Key Issues
DP15d Broadstone Neighbourhood Plan - Section 3: Neighbourhood Plan Policies
DP15e Broadstone Neighbourhood Plan - Section 4: Implementation and Monitoring
DP15f Broadstone Neighbourhood Plan - neighbourhood plan area.
DP16a The Highcliffe and Walkford Neighbourhood Plan (2023)
DP16b Highcliffe and Walkford Neighbourhood Plan - neighbourhood plan area
DP17a Poole Quays Forum Neighbourhood Plan (2017)
DP17b Poole Quays Forum Neighbourhood Plan - neighbourhood plan area


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