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Consultation on CIL Draft Charging Schedule

We consulted on the CIL draft charging schedule from 25 April to on 6 June 2024.

CIL is a ‘£ per sqm’ charge on new development to fund infrastructure needed to support growth of housing, employment, leisure and transport identified in the local plan. The draft charging schedule is supported by evidence including a viability report and infrastructure delivery plan.

The consultation documents were:

The proposed CIL charging zones can also be viewed in detail on the interactive Local Plan Policies Map. They are the layer under Homes titled ‘affordable housing value areas’.

You can view the representations and a summary of the representations.

Next steps

We submitted the consultation documents and feedback to the Planning Inspectorate on 27 June 2024. There will now be an examination of the draft CIL charging schedule alongside the local plan examination. If the Inspector approves the draft CIL charging schedule we expect the new draft charging schedule to replace the three current CIL charging schedules in mid-2025.

You can view more information about the examination.

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