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Antisocial behaviour involving BCP Homes tenants

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How we deal with antisocial behaviour involving BCP Homes tenants

This guidance only applies to cases involving BCP Homes tenants, if this is not the case, report other antisocial behaviour to us.

When you report antisocial behaviour to us, we will either:

  • contact you within 24 hours if we decide it is an emergency or priority
  • contact you within 5 or 10 days depending on the circumstances.

We will speak to you and any witnesses or agencies you may have reported it to. We may also contact the person you have complained about.

Possible outcomes of antisocial behaviour reports

Once we know more about the behaviour, we will look into the complaint and decide whether the tenancy agreement has been breached. We will speak to you and the person you have complained about to hear both sides of the events.

If there is a breach of tenancy, the next steps might be:

  • mediation - help you and the person you have complained about find common ground
  • referral to support services such as SMART, our support team or Steps 2 Wellbeing
  • written warning if the tenancy agreement has been breached
  • a Suspended Possession Order

In more serious cases of antisocial behaviour, we can apply the ASB Crime and Policing Act 2014 to manage the issues and prevent further problems.

We will work towards these next steps with others, such as the police, the Safer Communities Team or environmental services. These steps may include:

  • Closure Orders
  • injunctions
  • Community Protection Notices
  • Public Spaces Protection Order
  • Criminal Behaviour Order

In the most serious cases, we may issue possession proceedings against a home, which may lead to an eviction. We only ever consider this when we have tried everything else and there is no other way to protect the community from antisocial behaviour.

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