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Emergency services

Call 999 if you are reporting a crime that is in progress or if someone is in immediate danger. For non-emergencies, you can call the police on 101.

We understand that antisocial behaviour (ASB) can harm the quality of life for both residents and visitors. We are dedicated to collaborating with residents and agencies to take proactive steps to address and not tolerate these issues.

Before reporting antisocial behaviour (ASB), please check whether it's an issue our ASB team can help you with. We list issues that we can't deal with in the document below, as well as other agencies that might be able to help you.

Some issues are not covered under "anti-social behaviour" and can be reported in different ways. These include:

We assess all complaints and will contact you about the next steps. If your issue isn't something we can handle, we’ll provide details of other services or agencies that can help.

Reporting antisocial behaviour involving a council tenant

Our regular anti-social behaviour team does not investigate incidents or cases involving tenants of a registered social housing provider or council housing. For this you need to contact the social housing provider directly or BCP Homes.

How to report antisocial behaviour

Please phone or email us to report antisocial behaviour.

01202 128883

Please make sure you include:

  • your name
  • your email and phone number
  • your address or the location you are reporting, with a postcode
  • as much detail as possible about the issues you are reporting

We will aim to respond to your request within 5 working days.

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