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Access to Food Partnership mission, meetings and reports

The Access to Food Partnership is a group made up of BCP Council, Public Health Dorset and local community groups. It was set up in March 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic and builds on work from the Dorset Hidden Hunger 2019 conference.

The partnership aims to make sure that everyone in our area can get healthy food for themselves and their families, at any time.


The partnership mission is to:

  • make sure everyone can get food in a crisis
  • help people learn how to find, cook and eat healthy food
  • bring local communities together to find local solutions and use local strengths
  • share good information about local community food options
  • make food access a priority in local policy and decisions
  • develop a strong community food network

You can read stories from the partnership to learn about what this looks like in our communities. 

Meetings and conversations

The Access to Food Partnership holds a forum meeting every 3 months and working group meetings every month. These meetings bring people together to discuss important issues and find ways to improve food access in our area.

The partnership also hosts neighbourhood meetings to find ways to reduce food insecurity in local areas.

To learn more about upcoming meetings and conversations, sign up for the Access to Food Partnership newsletter.

Annual reports

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