Our partners in the age-friendly community
Our local age friendly initiative is led by our Communities team. It's supported by our Adult Social Care team, and the following external partners:
- Age UK Bournemouth, Poole and East Dorset provides services and activities for people over 55
- Bournemouth Town BID represents and supports more than 700 levy paying businesses and promotes Bournemouth as a safe, secure, attractive, clean, welcoming and vibrant place to spend time.
- Bournemouth University Public Involvement in Education and Research (PIER), a public group involved with health and social sciences research at the university
- Community Action Network (CAN) offers wellbeing resources and volunteering opportunities
- Dorset Health Care, a major provider of mental and physical healthcare in the county
- Housing Associations Charitable Trust (HACT), a social housing charity with an Age Friendly Social Housing Programme
- Help & Care, a health and wellbeing charity focused on long-term conditions, including dementia
- PramaLife, an age friendly community provider that creates clubs, groups and activities for older people in the area
- Poole u3a organises classes and activities aimed at skills development for older people no longer in full time employment
We also get support from:
- Christchurch Community Partnership, a charity aiming to reduce social isolation in Christchurch
- Morebus, a major local bus operator with age friendly approaches
- SEDCAT provides accessible transport services in the local area for those in need