We have worked with the Pan-Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership (PDSCP) to create a secure way to exchange information between agencies, on domestic abuse incidents that have been attended to and recorded by the police. These police reports are known as Public Protection Notices (PPNs).
This information might also be shared at a Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC), which is a local multi-agency meeting held for the highest risk cases of domestic abuse.
The process allows us to share limited information from PPNs and the MARAC as an alert to registered early years settings, childminders, children's centres, schools and colleges. This alert will be triggered if children in those settings might have been involved in an incident or are at high risk.
This alert will not contain the details of the incident, as this is property of Dorset Police.
You must sign an agreement in order to receive these alerts using the form below.