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This licence allows premises to be used for one or more of the following licensable activities:

  • sale or supply of alcohol
  • performance of live music
  • a performance of dance
  • the performance of a play
  • any playing of recorded music
  • an exhibition of film
  • indoor sporting event
  • boxing or wrestling entertainment
  • sale of hot food or drinks between 11pm and 5am for consumption on or off the premises
  • any licensable activity taking place on private or public land will require a licence and this includes the sale of alcohol on pleasure boats

Premises are defined as any place, inside or outside, and a vehicle or vessel of moveable structure.

Designated premises supervisor

A designated premises supervisor must hold a personal licence and is the person specified on the premises licence who is responsible for authorising the sale or supply of alcohol. This person must be readily identifiable and will normally be given day to day responsibility for running the premises.

Apply for a licence

To apply for a new premises licence or, if your premises is about to be built, are being built, or where a major alteration or extension is planned, apply for a provisional statement to be granted you will need to:

The fee for a new application is dependant on the rateable value of the premises.

Return the forms to us together with proof of payment to:

You must also send your application to some or all of the Licensing Act responsible authorities. These are the public bodies that are entitled to make representations to the licensing authority in relation to applications under the Licensing Act.

Vary or transfer a licence

You may wish to vary your premises licence, make a minor variation of your premises licence, transfer a premises licence, change the designated premises supervisor or apply for the mandatory condition requiring designated premises supervisor to be disapplied:

Return the forms to us at:

There are fees involved with this application.

Report an issue with a licenced premises

You can report an issue with a licensed premises online.

Statement of Licensing Policy

Download our Statement of Licensing Policy for the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area.

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