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Gambling Act temporary use notices

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A temporary use notice (TUN) can be issued for the temporary use of premises for gambling where there is no premises licence in place. Premises that might be suitable for a TUN might include hotels, conference centres and sporting venues.

A TUN may only be granted to a person or company that holds a relevant operating licence issued by the Gambling Commission. For example, the holder of a betting operating licence could apply to provide betting facilities at a snooker tournament.

There is a limit to how many temporary use days can be applied for in any 12 month period. More than one TUN application can be made for a premise, but the total number of days combined cannot go over 21 days in any 12 month period. If it does, we will issue a counter-notice that will stop the gambling. It will be an offence for the applicant to continue offering gambling for more than the allowed 21 days.

Procedure for giving notice

The holder of an operating licence must give notice to the licensing authority in whose area the premises are situated and must specify:

  • the gambling activity to be carried on
  • the premises where it will take place
  • the dates and times the gambling will take place
  • any periods during the previous 12 months that a TUN has had effect for the same premises
  • the date on which the notice is given

Maximum period

The same set of premises may not be the subject of a TUN for more than 21 days in any 12 month period, but may be the subject of several notices provided that the total does not exceed 21 days.

The notice must be lodged with the licensing authority not less than 3 months and 1 day before the day on which the gambling event will begin.

The application must be copied to:

  • the Gambling Commission
  • the police
  • HM Commissioners for Revenue and Customs; and, if applicable any other licensing authority in whose area the premises are situated

The person who is giving the notice must ensure the copies are with the recipients within 7 days of the date of the notice.


If no objections are made within 14 days of the date of the notice, the authority will endorse the notice as valid and return it to the person who gave it.

The notice giver may notify the authority that it is withdrawn at any time up to and during the time it has effect. In these circumstances the notice will have no effect, and any unlapsed period of time will not count towards the 21 day maximum limit.

Displaying the notice

While the gambling is taking place, a copy of the notice must be displayed prominently on the premises.

For more information, please contact us.

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