Key strategies and plans
Adult social care strategies, plans and policies
- Adult social care and commissioning strengths-based framework
- Adult social care strategy
- Blue Badge policy
- Care homes for older people strategy
- Carers strategy
- Charging for adult social care policy
- Day Opportunities strategy
- Deferred payment agreement for adult social care policy
- Direct payments for adult social care policy
- Disabled facilities grant policy
- Eligibility for adult social care policy
- Extra care housing strategy
- Health and wellbeing strategy
- Managing other people's money
- Market position statement for adult social care
- Market sustainability plan for adult social care
- Medication policy
- Moving and handling policy
- Out of area assessments policy
- Protection of property for adult social care policy
- Provider failure policy
- Section 117 mental health after-care policy
- Suicide prevention plan
- The Big Plan
Business and economy strategies, plans and policies
Children and young people strategies, plans and policies
- Children and young people plan
- Children's services capital programme
- Corporate parenting strategy
- Early help, family support, and young people strategy
- Multi-agency child neglect strategy
- Preparing for adulthood plan
- Sufficiency strategy for children in care and care experienced young people
- Supervision policy for children's services
- Workforce development strategy for children's services
- Youth justice plan
Corporate strategies, plans and policies
- Adoption and surrogacy leave and pay entitlement policy
- Anti fraud and corruption policy
- Appeals policy
- Asbestos management policy
- Attendance and wellbeing at work policy
- Capital investment strategy
- Code of conduct
- Communications strategy and plan
- Peer challenge action plan and feedback report
- Performance management framework
- Corporate policy framework
- Corporate safeguarding strategy
- Customer charter
- Corporate complaint handling guidance
- Debt management policy
- Declaration of interests, gifts and hospitality policy
- Disciplinary policy
- Discretionary Council Tax discount ( Section 13a) policy
- Electrical management policy
- Equality and diversity policy
- Financial regulations
- Flag flying policy
- Grievance policy
- Health, safety and welfare policy
- Human resources and organisational development service plan
- Information governance policy
- Information security policy
- Internal audit charter
- IT technical strategy and standards
- Local code of governance
- Managing stress at work policy
- Maternity policy
- Maternity and adoption support leave policy
- People strategy
- Performance management and review policies
- Procurement card policy
- Recruitment and selection policy
- Redeployment policy
- Redundancy policy
- Registration services customer engagement strategy
- Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act and Investigatory Powers Act policy
- Research and consultation framework
- Risk management policy
- Seascape Group Limited strategic plan
- Time off for dependents policy
- Treasury management strategy
- Unreasonable and unreasonably persistent complainant guidance
- Whistleblowing policy
Environment strategies, plans and policies
- Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole and Dorset minerals sites plan
- Christchurch Harbour and waterways management plan
- Dorset Heathlands air quality strategy
- Dorset Heathlands planning framework
- Grass cutting, wildflower and grassland habitat management policy
- Green infrastructure strategy
- Playing pitch strategy
- Poole and Christchurch shoreline management plan
- Poole and Wareham flood and coastal erosion risk management strategy
- Stour Valley Park strategy
- Urban Forest Strategy
Housing strategies, plans and policies
Leisure, culture and local heritage strategies, plans and policies
Licencing and regulation strategies, plans and policies
- Caravan site fee policy
- Legionella policy
- Environmental enforcement through Fixed Penalty Notices
- Gambling licensing policy
- Hackney carriage and private hire vehicle policy
- Taxi and private hire operator policy
- Taxi and private hire driver policy
- Regulatory services and licensing enforcement policy
- Scrap metal policy
- Statement of licensing policy
Planning strategies, plans and policies
Roads and transport strategies, plans and policies
- Bus service improvement plan
- Dropped crossing policy
- Highway asset management policy
- Highway asset management strategy
- Highway infrastructure asset management strategy
- Highway inspection policy
- Highway infrastructure skid resistance policy
- Local cycling and walking infrastructure plan
- National bus strategy enhanced partnership plan and scheme
- Public electric vehicle infrastructure strategy
- Street works permit scheme
- Sustainable fleet management strategy
- Transport and engineering service plan
Schools and learning strategies, plans and policies
- Adult learner fees policy
- Children missing education policy
- Elective home education policy
- Home to school transport policy
- Penalty notice code of conduct for failure to ensure regular attendance at school of a registered pupil
- Education for medical needs policy
- School place planning strategy
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and inclusion strategy