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The draft Local Plan consultation

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The draft Local Plan provides the strategy for growth over the next 15 years and includes planning policies against which future development will be assessed.

We consulted on the draft Local Plan from 20 March to 1pm on 3 May 2024. The consultation has now closed. You can view:

We submitted the draft BCP Local Plan and the CIL draft charging schedule to the Secretary of State on 27 June 2024 for examination. The examination is expected to take around 12 months. If approved by the Inspectors, the BCP Local Plan and CIL draft charging schedule will replace the current Local Plans and charging schedules we expect around mid-2025.

Consultation documents

The draft Local Plan is in 3 parts. Part 1 covers the strategy and the policies we will use to determine planning applications. Part 2 provides detailed land use proposals for each of our 33 wards. Part 3 is the appendices.

You can view the Policies Map in two different ways through an interactive map of the whole Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area or as individual ward maps.

Consultation documents
Reference Document
SD1a Draft Local Plan - part 1 - strategic and development management policies 
SD1b Draft Local Plan – part 2 – ward policies
SD1c Draft Local Plan - part 3 - appendices
SD2a Interactive policies map 
SD2b Policy maps by ward

The draft local plan is supported by an evidence base.

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