For applicants whose vehicle is registered as tax exempt on grounds of disability or if your vehicle would qualify for disability exemption as detailed on GOV.UK.
Conditions of use
- your DTEV Permit is valid only for the eligible vehicle registered in the disabled persons name or in their nominated driver’s name
- if you change your vehicle and this vehicle is eligible to continue using a DTEV permit you must submit up to date evidence of the eligibility via your online permit account. On receipt of this evidence this will be reviewed and if eligible the vehicle details will be changed on your virtual permit
- the permit must only be used for the disabled person’s needs and cannot be used by the nominated driver for their own personal use
- the permit gives exemption to pay and display charges in all BCP Council Pay and Display car parks. Please note this does not include Upton Country Park car park
- the permit does not give exemption to the charges if parking in a BCP Council Pay on Exit car park (e.g. multi-storey car park)
- there is not a requirement for the permit to be used in conjunction with a valid disabled badge. However, if you are parking in a Disabled Parking Space a valid disabled badge must be displayed
- a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) may be issued where a contravention is believed to have taken place. If you wish to appeal you must follow the instructions issued with the PCN
- cars and their contents are parked entirely at the risk of the owner and neither the Council nor its servants accept responsibility for loss or damage to any third party
- this permit is valid for the duration issued and is not refundable
- if you apply for this permit you will give us authorisation to check the Council Tax records to verify the household is in receipt of Council Tax support
- by applying for this permit, you confirm the information in the application is correct and complete. You understand that it is an offence to dishonestly make a false statement or produce false information (or cause or allow another to do so) or to misuse or allow your permit to be misused and that in such circumstances BCP Council may cancel your permit and may prosecute you
- you confirm you have read and understood BCP Council privacy statements and disclaimer