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Summer born children school admissions

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Most children start school in the September after they turn 4 years old. Some parents consider delaying a child's start at school until they are at compulsory school age, if they feel that the child is not ready.

You can find out the year group your child would normally be expected to be part of.

If you have a summer born child (born between 1 April and 31 August) you may choose not to send your child to school until the September following their 5th birthday. You can also ask for a consideration to have your child start in Reception rather than Year 1.

Talk to us and the relevant schools about your plans as early as possible - preferably before 31 October.

If you are worried about your child's readiness for school, we recommend visiting the schools your are applying for so that teachers can explain:

  • the provision on offer to children in the reception class
  • how it is tailored to meet the needs of all pupils including the youngest
  • how the needs of all pupils will continue to be met as they move up through the school

It is also important to note that, whether they attend a primary, infant or first school or an early years setting during the academic year following their 4th birthday, children will receive the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which is largely based around learning through play.

Read further information about the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Make a request for a summer born admission

The School Admissions Code requires admission authorities to consider requests for admission outside the normal year group and take account of the circumstances of each case.

For community schools, our age group policy sets out the process and criteria for considering these requests. You also need to complete an out of year group application form.

For academies, foundation or voluntary aided schools, the application must be made to and considered by the governing body of the school and not the local authority.

You can contact the School Admissions team by:

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