From time to time, parents seek places for children in a lower or higher age group. In most cases differentiation of the curriculum and/or additional support within their age group should usually address particular issues. Parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns with the headteacher of the school.
The School Admissions Code requires Admission Authorities to consider requests for admission outside the normal year group and take account of the circumstances of each case.
For community schools, our age group policy sets out the process and criteria for considering these requests. You also need to complete an out of year group application form.
- Policy for delayed and different year group entry
pdf , 107.47 KB
- Application for admission outside the normal year group
pdf , 151.33 KB
For academies, foundation or voluntary aided schools, the application must be made to and considered by the governing body of the school and not the local authority.
It's important that parents who are considering applying for a year group different to that determined by date of birth talk to our school admissions team and the relevant school(s) as early as possible.