Why do we need a Travel Plan?
A Travel Plan (TP) shows a commitment to sustainable and active travel. It details travel behaviours, patterns and highlights any goals and concerns. The TP outlines the steps needed to achieve the agreed objectives and goals.
We suggest you make you make a TP to:
- add accountability to your goals and provide a focus for achieving them
- encourage and enable staff and visitors to travel more sustainably for business and commuting, including walking, cycling, scooting, wheeling, and using buses and trains
- support planning applications and business development opportunities.
Why produce a Travel Plan?
Addressing climate and health concerns in our community is increasingly important. Many short journeys that could be made actively or by public transport are currently done by single occupancy car trips.
A Travel Plan keeps teams accountable and enables progress, providing a focused approach to sustainable travel.
Steps to Complete Your Travel Plan
Follow these 8 steps to complete your travel plan.
Nominate a Lead Person
- Choose someone or a group from your workplace to lead the travel plan development. This could be senior staff, directors, or site staff
Complete a Site Survey
- Review everything related to travel and transport: active travel provisions, car and cycle parking, grey fleet, EV charging points, and surrounding infrastructure
Conduct Travel Surveys
- Gather input from staff, visitors, and customers to understand travel patterns and their views on journeys
Identify Key Issues
- Discuss and finalise the main issues and concerns, and brainstorm potential solutions
Set Aims, Objectives, and Targets
- Define clear aims, objectives, and targets for staff, visitors, and customers
Create an Action Plan
Sign Off
- Get approval from key stakeholders, including the BCP Council Sustainable Travel Team and relevant workplace staff
- Ensure Senior Management supports the Travel Plan
Monitor and Review Annually
- Review and update your travel plan annually to ensure it remains relevant and effective
A template to support you to make your own Workplace Travel Plan
pdf , 278.44 KB , 7 pages