What we do
We are the Adult Social Care Workforce Development Team team with responsibility for the delivery and commissioning of training activity, qualifications and continuous professional development for social care staff, Social Workers (SW), Occupational Therapists (OT), and commissioners working within Adult Social Care Services (ASCS) and Adult Social Care Commissioning (ASCC).
Our training is also accessed by care staff working within local care homes, domiciliary agencies and volunteers. In partnership with Higher Education Institutions (HEI), we offer placements to students undertaking social work, care and health qualifications.
The purposes we use your personal information for
We collect and process your personal information to provide these services to you. This will include:
- as a delegate booking on one of our courses we will collect contact details and any additional requirements you may have to support your learning needs via our online booking system
- following training activity, feedback forms are collected to ensure that the training we are offering is meeting the needs of the customer. We will also use these to follow up on any comments
- under Health and Safety, we require staff attending Moving and Handling (M&H) courses to complete and sign an M&H pre-training questionnaire to state that they are fit to undertake the training
- for us to send out information on future training activity, we hold a contact list of customers and local care providers
- as part of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government mandatory return (Adult social care workforce data set), we will collate information on internal staff members working within the Adult Social Care Directorate. This information is then anonymised as it goes through the Skills for Care portal. Skills for Care use the data to build a picture of the social care workforce. The analysis of this information is then shared locally and used by central government to plan social care workforce needs
- social work/care and OT students undertaking their qualifications will access data as part of their placements in order to meet the required standards
- we have social work/care and OT students who undertake professional development placements within our organisation, and social care professionals undertaking qualifications, who will require observations with some observers coming from HEI or commissioned companies. Where relevant we will also offer shadowing opportunities to students entering the field of social care
- internal staff applying for a qualification will complete the relevant HEI applications,which will be processed by the L&D team then sent onto the relevant HEI.
The personal information we collect and use
We only obtain and use the information we need to provide our services to you. We also obtain and use special category information.
The law we use to process your personal information
Statutory legislation
The main legislation that provides us with the statutory basis to deliver our services is:
- Community Care Act 1990
- Care Act 2014
- Mental Health Act 1983
- Mental Capacity Act 2005.
The GDPR/DPA conditions we meet
The conditions that we use to process your personal information are:
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018:
Article 6 – Lawfulness of Processing
- a) processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject
- b) processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.
Special category personal information.
We also use these additional conditions to process your special category personal information:
Article 9 – Special Categories of Personal Data
a) processing is necessary for the purposes of preventive or occupational medicine, for the assessment of the working capacity of the employee, medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems and services on the basis of Union or Member State law or pursuant to contract with a health professional and subject to the conditions and safeguards referred to in paragraph 3.
Paragraph 3: Personal data referred to in paragraph 1 may be processed for the purposes referred to in point (h) of paragraph 2 when those data are processed by or under the responsibility of a professional subject to the obligation of professional secrecy under Union or Member State law or rules established by national competent bodies or by another person also subject to an obligation of secrecy under Union or Member State law or rules established by national competent bodies.
Who we may share your information with
We use a range of organisations to either store personal information or to help deliver our services to you. Sometimes we have a legal duty to provide your personal information to other organisations, for example the court service or HMRC.
We may also share your personal information with these organisations:
- ASC WDS data is shared with Skills for Care, Care Quality Commission and Department of Health (please see Skills for Care's privacy and legal information page for their privacy policies)
- Courts
- HEI/providers who are registered to deliver the qualification.
Your information will not be disclosed to any other organisations, except where we are required and allowed to by law.
How long we keep information about you
We will retain this information for:
- M&H forms – 5 years from completion of training
- ASC WDS – current year
- Current contact list of customers, ongoing and updated
- Skillgate (Training and Learning Management System for booking face to face training) – as long as the account is open
- Qualification applications – 7 years on completion of qualification
- As stated in our retention schedule and in accordance with the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 and Section 11 of the Limitation Act 1980.