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Culture Volunteers Poole privacy notice

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Culture Volunteers Poole (CVP) is committed to protecting your privacy when you use our service.

Why we use your data

We use your personal information in order to match you up with a volunteering opportunity of your choice. We use profiling to match your interests and skills to available roles.

From time to time we contact you with information and training opportunities that are relevant to your role. We also regularly contact volunteers on our database with information about opportunities available.

How we store your data

Your information is stored on our Better Impact database (you can read their privacy policy here).

Better Impact Privacy Policy summary

  • Information contained here is only visible to you and the specific organisation(s) you volunteer for. It will neither be disclosed to any other party nor used for any other purpose.
  • Personal data will be processed in a manner compliant with the ICO and the GDPR. It will be stored in Canada, one of twelve countries outside the EU that the European Commission has determined favourable for data storage.
  • All data is encrypted in motion across the internet and at rest on our servers.

We only use what we need

We collect personal information from you that we require to ensure your safety and care, for example any health conditions, dietary requirements and support requirements. We also store information about your availability, qualifications and interests to help us match you to roles. If we have to conduct any research or analysis as part of ongoing measures to improve our service we remove your personal identifying data.

Sharing information

We will only share your information with the supervisor of the role that you are interested in with your consent. We do not share your information with third parties.

Your rights

Ask for information about you

You can ask for information that we hold about you at any time. We will deal with any enquiries and provide the information requested within 4 weeks.

Update your preferences at any time

  • We provide a field on the database for you to choose how we keep in touch with you.
  • You can choose whether to receive most of our communications with you by email or post.
  • You can choose whether you would like to receive other volunteering opportunities or express that you only want to volunteer in your current role.
  • You can choose whether you like to hear about special offers (tickets, tours, talks, workshops, free events) within Culture & Community, Borough of Poole.

To change your preferences you can:

Retaining your information

  • We will keep your data while we need to process it to provide the services of the volunteering programme.
  • We will keep your data for the duration you are volunteering with us.
  • When you cease to volunteer we will archive your data. This means you will no longer be contacted.
  • Your basic contact information and recorded hours and roles will be accessible to you for 7 years.
  • You will be able to ask for information for references during this period. After 7 years, we delete your remaining data and can no longer access it.

Right to be forgotten

Under new GDPR legislation you have the ‘right to be forgotten’ ‘which means full erasure of your information from both CVP and Better Impact. If you are no longer volunteering for CVP on behalf of the Borough of Poole, you can request to be removed from the system altogether which will purge all of your personal information. This needs to be a direct request to the Better Impact organisation.

To do this you need to send an email to the system’s privacy officer at requesting to have your profile removed from the Better Impact database.

IMPORTANT: You must remain on the database if you wish to continue volunteers for CVP on behalf of the Borough of Poole.

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