Application reference number: APP/22/01455/F
On 20 October 2022, The Right Hon. Nicholas Ashley Cooper & Mr Ian Ford made a planning application to BCP Council for a Major hybrid application for: A full application for the construction of a new 11,606 sq. metre Nuffield Health Hospital with: provision of access, servicing and car parking, cycle and pedestrian provision and landscaping, Outline planning application for the provision of 13,394 sq. metre of employment, healthcare and university-related floorspace, including ancillary uses and a Growing Hub, and Change of Use of 12 hectares of grazing land to create a Heathland Support Area for the lifetime of the Innovation Quarter.
On 2 October 2023, the Councils Planning Committee made a resolution to refuse the planning application on the grounds that the scheme would have an adverse impact on nearby protected heathland, fail to improve green infrastructure and would result in an overprovision of parking which would fail to deliver sustainable transport measures.
On 15 November 2023 the Appellant against the non-determination of the planning application before the Local Planning Authority was able to issue the decision notice and the Planning Inspectorate subsequently recommended a Public Inquiry be held.
Details of the public inquiry
Procedure: Public Inquiry
The confirmed date for the Public Inquiry: 30 April 2024 and it is currently proposed to sit for seven days between 30 April to 3 May and 8 May to 10 May.
Contact at the Planning Inspectorate:
Planning Inspectorate Reference Number:
Contact at BCP Council:
Venue: BCP Council, Civic Centre, Council Chamber, Bourne Avenue, BH2 6DY
People wishing to attend the Public Inquiry will need to make their own parking arrangements as parking is not available at the Civic Centre.
Core documents schedule
The core documents schedule provides a contents list of all documents associated with the Public Inquiry. This may be amended and added to during the Inquiry process.