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Application reference number 8/23/0657/ful (Christchurch)

On 11 September 2023, Churchill Retirement Living made a planning application to BCP Council for the proposed development of a Multi-generational community comprising 177 open market, affordable and retirement living apartments, 237sqm of Class E commercial space, communal facilities, access, car parking, landscaping and all associated works at Former Gas Work site at Bridge Street, Christchurch.

The BCP Council failed to determine the application within the statutory determination period and the applicant applied for a non-determination appeal. The notification for the appeal was received from the Planning Inspectorate (PINs) on 6 September 2024 and on 17 September PINs confirmed the appeal will be determined by a Public Inquiry.

The Council has subsequently confirmed that had the officers been in a position to determine this application, it would have been refused under delegated power for the following reasons:

  • Flood zone incompatibility, flood risk and failure to pass the sequential and exception tests insofar as they would be applied.
  • Insufficient information to demonstrate what impact the development would have on existing and proposed drainage systems in a circumstance where the site is at increasing risk from flood sources and exposed to coastal change, and a failure to demonstrate that the proposed drainage system is appropriate having regard to technical standards.
  • Harm to the significance of designated and non-designated heritage assets.
  • The impact of the proposal on the visual amenity and character of the locality and on the amenity, safety and security of existing and proposed occupiers.
  • The impact of the loss of trees, including protected trees.
  • A failure to provide an appropriate housing mix.
  • The absence of formal obligations to secure appropriate mitigation under The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (“The Habitat Regulations”).
  • The absence of formal obligations to secure contributions through a s106 legal agreement.

The Inspector appointed to decide the appeal is J Bore MRTPI.

Details of the Appeal

Procedure: Public Inquiry

The public inquiry will open at 10am on Tuesday 25 February 2025. It is scheduled to sit from 25 to 27 February and from 4 to 5 March. The schedule may be subject to amendment.

Contact at the Planning Inspectorate:

Planning Inspectorate Reference Number:


Contact at BCP Council:

Venue: BCP Council, Civic Centre, Bourne Avenue, BH2 6DY

Rooms: HMS Phoebe (Day 1), Council Chamber (Day 2) and Annex Committee Room (remaining of the inquiry).

People wishing to attend the Public Inquiry will need to make their own parking arrangements as parking is not available at the Civic Centre.

The decision will be published on

Core documents schedule

The core documents schedule provides a contents list of all documents associated with the Public Inquiry. This may be amended and added to during the Inquiry process.

Core Documents Schedule

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