Neighbourhood portion round 6
Round 6 is now open and will close at midday on Monday 24 March 2025 with bids awarded funding to be announced in July 2025.
We are inviting residents, businesses and community groups to submit bids for local projects which will improve, benefit and shape the development of their community for the future. Bids for projects can range from a few hundred pounds to tens of thousands of pounds where funds are available.
Projects can include:
- environmental improvements, such as tree planting or open space improvements
- public art
- street furniture
- equipment for a community group
- provision of more facilities for the community
- projects that are beneficial to a local area
- projects that contribute to broad community benefit
You can view the:
- guidance note
- bid form
- funding available in each ward
- Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Portion information for bidders
Submitted bids should have regard to the funding available in the relevant ward. Unlike in previous rounds, Strategic CIL is not available to top up any bids. This is because there is considerable pressure on the Strategic CIL fund for essential strategic infrastructure. Bids should not exceed the money available in each ward pot.
All bids should be consulted with and sought the support of the relevant ward councillors and council departments before submitting. This support should be evidenced with the submitted bid, for example, a copy of email correspondence with ward councillors and BCP Council officers. The guidance notes include an appendix of BCP Council email contacts.
Please submit bids by email to by midday on Monday 24 March 2025.
If you have any queries or need help completing the form, please email us.