Locations covered by this local funding opportunity
Wards within Bournemouth and Poole areas that are outside a Neighbourhood Plan Area with an adopted Neighbourhood Plan are covered.
For locations within Bournemouth and Poole Neighbourhood Plan Areas with an adopted Neighbourhood Plan, please contact the relevant Neighbourhood Forum for funding:
- Boscombe and Pokesdown Neighbourhood Forum
- Broadstone Neighbourhood Forum
- Poole Quays Neighbourhood Forum
- Sandbanks Neighbourhood Forum
In Christchurch, the CIL Neighbourhood Portion is passed directly to the Parish and Town Councils for decisions on spending on projects.
Where the funding comes from
When a new development (mostly housing) commences, the developer must pay the council Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which is a tax on development to be spent on infrastructure to support the development.
A proportion of this (15% in areas outside Neighbourhood Plan Areas with an adopted Neighbourhood Plan) is ringfenced to be spent in the ward the development takes place. This is called the CIL Neighbourhood Portion.
How much you can bid for
You will need to check the CIL NP funds available for your ward.
Bids for projects can range from a few hundred pounds to tens of thousands of pounds where funds are available. For this round, Strategic CIL is not available to top up any bids. This is because there is considerable pressure on the Strategic CIL fund for essential strategic infrastructure.
What the money can be spent on
CIL NP can support development by funding:
- the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure; or
- anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area
This could include:
- environmental improvements such as tree planting, play equipment and open space improvements
- street furniture such as paving, benches, bins and signs
- community facilities such as community buildings or defibrillators
- equipment for a community group
- public art
- projects that are beneficial to a local area
- feasibility work to deliver large community projects (this can include staff time to plan and deliver a project)
- maintenance of community infrastructure such as defibrillator maintenance or redecorating a community building
You can view examples of successful projects in rounds 1 to 5.
CIL Neighbourhood Portion cannot be used to fund:
- projects that will only benefit individuals (less than 5 people) or a single household
- projects which relate solely to religious purposes
- political activities
- retrospective projects, where the spend has already occurred
- ongoing staff costs such as paying for a community worker or for someone to run courses
- private businesses where the access to the infrastructure is restricted from the wider community
- events
When the money has to be spent by
We ask you to specify expected project start and end dates on the application form. We want to make sure that projects can be delivered in a timely manner to avoid CIL Neighbourhood Portion grant being awarded to projects which are not likely to be implemented for several years.
What you need to submit
You need to submit a completed application form with the required supporting evidence and information. The application form sets out what information needs to be provided, and the guidance notes give further explanation.
Funding bids need to be submitted by midday on Monday 24 March 2025.
How a decision is made on submitted bids
We will look at how the applicant has met the requirements as set out in the application form and explained in the guidance notes – for example, the benefit of project to the local community, evidence of ward councillor and community support, breakdown of costings, and evidence of how these have reached, expected timescale of project delivery and in the case of projects to be delivered by us, evidence of support from the relevant council officer and assurance of capacity to deliver project.
It is in your interests to provide as comprehensive supporting information for your application as possible. In some instances, the panel may request further information before making a final decision.
When the decision will be made
Depending on the number of bids and any additional information required we will aim to set up the panel meetings in May/June 2025.
Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their bids as soon as possible after the final meeting. We anticipate this to be in July 2025. If the panel requests further information at the meeting, this may delay the decision.
Contact us
If you have any questions or need support, please email cilneighbourhoodportion@bcpcouncil.gov.uk.