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Residents parking permits in the Bournemouth area

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If there is a residents parking scheme in your area you can apply for a permit online. If you haven't logged in before you'll be asked to set up an account.

Permit rules

The rules of the permit are:

  • each permit only allows one vehicle to park at any one time
  • you are responsible for updating your account to let us know which vehicle registration number you plan to use
  • if you have a new car, you need to upload the V5C document for the new vehicle, to show that you, the permit holder, owns the vehicle. Alternatively, insurance documents can be uploaded to show that you are a named driver of the vehicle. Please note we do not accept tax reminders or sales invoices as evidence
  • if you have a temporary vehicle, for example a courtesy car or a hire car, this can be added for up to 1 week without evidence. For more than a week, you need to upload copy of the paperwork/hire agreement
  • enter your car registration details carefully. Make sure you enter the correct registration number. Take care when entering 0 (zero) and O (the letter). Mistakes may result in the issue of a penalty charge notice
  • if you apply for or use a permit fraudulently the permit will be cancelled and no refund issued
  • make sure you read the full terms and conditions for your chosen permit
Permit types, costs, locations and conditions
Permit name Permit type Permit cost Resident locations Terms and conditions
Zone A1 Business permit £62 Stanfield Road (part), Maple Road, Kemp Road, Melville Road Zone A1 (Business) terms and conditions
Zone A1 2 residents and 1 visitor permit per property £62  Stanfield Road (part), Maple Road, Kemp Road, Melville Road Zone A1 (Residents and visitors) terms and conditions
Zone E1 1 resident permit per property £126 Exeter Park Road Zone E1 terms and conditions
Zone W1 1 resident permit per property £62 Wootton Gardens Zone W1 terms and conditions
Zone U1 1 resident permit per property £126 Undercliff Road Zone U1 terms and conditions
Zone V1 1 resident permit per property £126 Verulum Place Zone V1 terms and conditions
Zone S1 1 resident and 1 visitor permit per property £126 St Stephens Road and Durrant Road Zone S1 terms and conditions
Zone S2 1 resident permit per property £62 St Swithuns Road Zone S2 terms and conditions
Zone EC1 1 resident permit per property £126 Eastcliff (eastern end of Grove Road and Weston Drive) Zone EC1 terms and conditions
Zone B1 1 resident permit per property £252 Sea Road (flats 1 to 4 and 42a) Zone B1 terms and conditions
Zone B2 1 resident permit per property £62 Windsor Road, Cecil Road Zone B2 terms and conditions
Zone KP1 1 resident permit per property £126 Newlands Road Zone KP1 terms and conditions

Add or change the registration number on a visitors permit

Only one vehicle can be active at a time under the visitors permit. To add a new visitors permit registration number, or change the existing one:

  • log onto your permit account
  • find the visitors permit and select it
  • select the vehicles tab
  • click on the pencil icon and enter the registration number
  • click save

Please check there is a tick next to the vehicle registration you want to be active.

Data Protection Statement

BCP Council use any data collected through the issuing of this notice to owner and associated statutory requirements for the enforcement of traffic contraventions and other associated purposes.

This data may be disclosed to other enforcement agencies or the data may also use in connection with the prevention or detection of fraud or other crime. All processing of this data will be in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.

We hold the information that you provide in both computerised and manual record systems. You are able to see a copy of the information held about you. For further information about this, please see our Privacy notice page.

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