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Healthcare surgery parking permit in the Poole area

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This permit can be used if you are a healthcare professional and you need to park your vehicle during home visits to patients.

This permit must not be used for parking near your place of work, or for any other purpose. You can only park for the duration of the visit to the patient you must leave the parking spot immediately once you have finished your visit.

Permits cost £8 each and are valid for 12 months.

Where to park

The permit only allows you to park, in an emergency, in the following locations:

  • on a single or double yellow line (except where a loading ban is in force, indicated by kerb markings)
  • in resident only bays
  • in limited waiting bays

Where not to park

The permit does not allow you to park in disabled bays, taxi ranks or taxi bays, bus stops or bus lanes, loading bays, or yellow lines where there is also a loading ban in force. The permit is not valid for council housing land. You cannot park in surface car parks and on street pay & display areas. You cannot park in multi-storey car parks or near your place of work.

How to apply

Applications must be made by the surgery manager.

To apply:

  • complete and print the healthcare surgery permit application form below
  • make a cheque/postal order payable to BCP Council for the cost of the permit
  • photocopy the supporting documents you need, as set out on the form

Send everything to:

Parking Administration
BCP Council Civic Centre
Bourne Avenue

Make sure to read the terms and conditions below.

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