Published on Tuesday 21 November 2023

The future of Bournemouth Town Centre was the focus of a Summit held on Monday (20 November) which invited key town centre voices to contribute towards a collective ambition to support and lead positive change and improvement.
Participants were invited to consider how they can play their part in a collaborative approach, working alongside BCP Council to identify priorities and actions.
Over 50 delegates, who attended the summit held at the Bournemouth Echo building on Richmond Hill, harnessed a collective agreement to improve the town centre by working together.
Those present included; developers, local businesses and political leaders, alongside representatives from the arts, Dorset Police, Bournemouth University and Arts University Bournemouth.
Councillor Vikki Slade, Leader of BCP Council, who welcomed everyone to the Summit, said:
"We know that our high streets are changing. Across the country, many large towns are facing similar challenges, and we can’t deny that people want a different experience when visiting their town centre these days.
"I made a commitment earlier this year to prioritise the improvement of Bournemouth, as we know that people really care about it and want to see it developed and improved.
"The public consultation we held earlier this year reinforced a lot we already knew, but it also captured some excellent ideas and suggestions from the public. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took part and voiced their views. We’ve listened and we’re now taking action.
"Everyone at the summit has a role to play and I’ve pledged the council’s commitment to supporting improvements, whilst also doing all we can to remove the barriers and bureaucracy to empower our communities to do more."
The summit began by ensuring those in the room had a clear understanding of the challenges Bournemouth town centre faces.
This was followed by inspirational and positive stories from the summit’s Keynote Speaker, Matt Colledge, who was able to offer first-hand advice and experience as Project Manager and Board Member for the National High Streets Task Force.
Matt Colledge said: "Bournemouth has some great foundations to build upon and the room was full of ambition and hope for an improved town centre, which was really great to see.
"Events like this are so important because it really shows that nobody can bring about change alone. Everyone, including the local council, needs to play a role in the future of Bournemouth. However, success can’t be achieved without significant investment of time, energy, money and will.
"This summit really begins the conversation - it challenged everyone in the room to think about the town’s longer term sustainable future, but also the immediate small improvements and changes which all add up.
"Now the hard work begins, but I’m in no doubt that everyone at the summit will build upon its successes to bring forward the next steps."
The summit then held a series of workshops, where delegates set about developing and agreeing action plans for six main areas identified for improvement; working, shopping, moving, wellbeing, living and playing.
The summit culminated with a recorded video message from The Rt Hon Michael Gove, where he formally invited the Leader and Chief Executive of BCP Council and Sir Conor Burns to meet with him in the future to discuss how Central Government can help.
He also praised the work being done, where people were clearly working collaboratively across political boundaries for the benefit of Bournemouth.
This followed a speech from Sir Conor Burns, MP for Bournemouth West.
Conor Burns added: "The challenges of the town centre can only be addressed through partnership - with businesses, the Council, charities and police all putting ego aside and working together.
"The summit marked an encouraging start. Recognising we have a problem is the first step to putting together a plan. I will work with everyone of goodwill to help.
"I will now work with Councillor Vikki Slade - ahead of taking her to see Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove to explore ways central Government can support our efforts."
Councillor Slade closed the summit by asking every person in the room to make a pledge for Bournemouth town centre. Pledges were made on puzzle pieces which represented the small part everyone plays, which in turn will build a complete and diverse image.
"These collective commitments provide the pieces of the puzzle to ensure we all commit and bring about positive change for Bournemouth town centre" said Councillor Slade.
"We know that the pace of change in some areas will be frustrating but I’m hopeful and heartened by everything I’ve heard. Bournemouth is a brilliant town and I feel more passionate now than ever before about its bright future."