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Published on Tuesday 09 January 2024

Kings Park Plant Nursery is now permanently closed.

There will be a short four-day sale in the coming months and we will publicise these dates through the Kings Park Plant Nursery's social media channels in due course at

Read an UPDATED statement (12 January) on the closure from Cllr Millie Earl, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Connected Communities:

“Since we announced the difficult decision to close Kings Park Plant Nursery earlier this week, my focus has remained on ensuring a positive future for this site.

“We do not underestimate the level of public feeling around this much-loved nursery. I want to assure the nursery community that we recognise the disappointment that they feel, and we’ve heard the concerns people have raised. But we have been open and transparent about the financial challenge we face and the tough decisions that will need to be made to manage our budget. We've been clear that we must prioritise the services that support our most vulnerable residents, including children and young people.

“In the past, the nursery supplied the area and nearby councils with bedding plants for floral displays. However, with financial pressure on all local authorities, councils have moved away from those displays, and it has been difficult to identify other avenues to make the nursery sustainable.

“King's Park Nursery has been running at a significant loss for many years and simply isn't sustainable considering the enormous budgetary pressures facing the council due to a rise in need for core services, climbing costs and dwindling financial support from central government.

“Last year, the cost of operating the nursery was £527,574 and the income that the nursery generated was £302,158, this meant that the council taxpayers from our three towns subsidised the nursery by £225,416. By taking the decision to end the commercial side of the nursery now, we can reduce this year's loss from increasing to that level.

“I’d like to reassure the local community that the site is protected. It can’t be sold or developed for housing, and any future use must comply with the 1985 Bournemouth Borough Council Act which safeguards Kings Park.

“We have retained £10,000 from the budget saving to allow us to effectively explore future community uses for this site. I’m pleased to say interested parties and charities are already getting in touch with us. I’m heartened and encouraged by this and the team are already exploring these opportunities.

“We’re committed to enabling and supporting organisations to do things differently, so the community of Kings Park can sustainably and responsibly benefit from something new at this site.

“Finally, and very importantly, I want to recognise and thank the dedicated staff and wonderful volunteers who have worked so hard over the years at Kings Park Nursery. The public’s response to this closure is a testament and true reflection of the excellent customer service, advice and hard work they’ve provided over a number of years.”




Read a statement on the closure from Cllr Millie Earl, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Connected Communities:

“Councils across the country are facing an unprecedented challenge. Soaring inflation has driven up costs and many councils are facing an increase in demand for core services, such as social care, education and highways.

“BCP Council share these challenges as it works to close a £50 million funding gap. We have been clear that difficult decisions will need to be made and we are taking a responsible approach rather than deferring tough choices to future years.

“One of these difficult decisions is to close Kings Park Plant Nursery, it will not reopen in Spring 2024. This will save £85,000 in the 2024/25 financial year.

“We are aware that it will impact our dedicated staff and volunteers, and we will be supporting them throughout this process. Our aim now is to look at how we can best use this space to benefit the community going forward.

“I realise this will also come as a disappointment to loyal customers and I want to thank anyone who has ever visited and purchased items from Kings Park Plant Nursery.

“Kings Park Plant Nursery will open for a short period of time in the coming months, and we hope customers will come and purchase the remaining stock from the plant nursery. This will also enable any customers with gift vouchers to spend them during this time. We will make everyone aware of these dates once they have been decided. 

“We have always said we would be open and transparent and the decision to close Kings Park Plant Nursery has been a difficult one and one that hasn’t been made lightly.”

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