Published on Wednesday 05 March 2025

A multi-million pound housing development is helping to support its community by providing new local jobs, careers advice sessions for children, and free cooking classes.
Work is underway to create 110 low-carbon and energy efficient homes at the Hillbourne housing development - with the project expected to finish in summer 2026.
The scheme comprises of 40 two-bedroom homes, 41 three-bedroom homes and an independent living apartment building with 29 one-bed flats - made possible thanks to significant investment from Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council and a Homes England grant.
Homes are designed to exceed the 2025 Future Homes standard – a Government initiative that makes homes more energy efficient and reduces carbon emissions.
But, working with local partners, BCP Council and developers Wates Residential Construction are delivering more than just much-needed houses.
The development will provide a £24million boost to social value - by providing new jobs, supporting local apprenticeships and work placements, and sourcing materials from local suppliers.
More than 800 children and young adults, aged 7-18, have benefitted from careers information, advice and guidance events, whilst eight apprenticeships and five work placements have been supported.
By the end of the project, it is anticipated that 24 placements will be provided and 13 apprenticeships supported.
Hillbourne’s housing development will also deliver economic and environmental sustainability; 400 trees have been planted so far with nine allotment beds to follow; and starting this month will be a series of free budget cooking classes to support local families.
Cllr Kieron Wilson, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Regulatory Services at BCP Council, said: “This is exactly the sort of development we want to see more of across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole - one that not only provides much-needed affordable housing but supports the wider community, too.
“The site plays an important part in our vision to provide high-quality, sustainable and energy efficient homes for our residents and I am pleased to see the continued progress being made.
“It is so important that housing developments benefit the wider area and I am delighted that this comprehensive package of investment is providing valuable opportunities for the Hillbourne community.”