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Published on Thursday 23 May 2024

Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council are urging people to come forward as foster carers to provide support to children and young people across BCP. They are keen to stress that fostering is for everyone, from every background, just as families are unique and diverse. They are encouraging everyone to find out more and are keen to see more applications from single people, same sex couples, people with disabilities and those from our diverse ethnic communities.

As Foster Care fortnight concludes, the council is asking more people to consider fostering to provide loving spaces for children and young people who need safe stable and nurturing environments.

Fostering a child or young person is not just about offering a roof over their heads; it's about providing a safe haven, a guiding hand, and a supportive environment to help them thrive and someone to have ambitions and aspirations for them to enable them to reach their full potential. Unfortunately, the need for foster families is greater than ever before, with countless children and young people looking for stability and help. In BCP we want to recruit 30 more foster families to provide this support.

BCP Council is asking individuals and families to open their hearts and homes to children and young people. Foster carers make an important contribution to our community and by playing a key role in supporting our children when they are needed most. And because BCP Council only recruits local residents, children are able to stay in the local area and can maintain their friendship groups, stay at the same school and ongoing contact with their family, when appropriate, is easier.

Councillor Richard Burton, Portfolio holder for Children and Families said

“Fostering is incredibly rewarding. I have seen firsthand the difference this can make to the lives of children and young people in our area. There are any number of circumstances which can lead to a child needing foster carers, from a few days to a few weeks. These children are often scared and confused, and our job is to make sure we keep them safe. I am urging people across the BCP area to join our amazing network of foster carers to help provide a stable future for our children and young people”.

Nicole Mills, Director for Corporate Parenting and Permanence added

“Quite simply, without our foster carers, our children and young people would really struggle. The difference they make can be seen every day. But we do need more people to come forward. We are committed to providing comprehensive support every step of the way, from tailored training and ongoing guidance to financial assistance and access to a dedicated support network, we make sure that our foster carers feel empowered and equipped to provide the best possible care”.

Local foster carer, Damien Watt said

“Janice and myself have been foster carers for over 22 years, and my mum and dad fostered for 40 years. I have some amazing memories of been part of a family that fostered as a child and that was my motivation to foster along with my wife and four children. I would strongly encourage everyone to consider fostering with BCP Council.

“The support they provide and their inclusive approach, means that they know us really well, and we all work together to make sure the needs of our children is prioritised.

“I get to see young people reach their potential and I am so proud to be part of this. There are certainly tough days, but it is incredibly rewarding, and I can see that I am able to make a real difference to a young person’s life”.

Anyone interested in exploring the opportunity should look on the website,

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