Our tenancy sustainment team are here to help and can assist you with all your tenancy questions.
We can also give you contact details for specialist teams that will be able to help you.
How we can help you
We can help you with:
- hoarding
- money management and budgeting skills
- hospital discharge
- mental health issues affecting your tenancy
- employability
- dementia and elderly mental health issues
- moving to a smaller property
Contact us
You can contact us by:
- email at bcphomes.supportteam@bcpcouncil.gov.uk
- telephone on 0800 028 1870
We will assign you a tenancy sustainment officer from our team who can call or visit for a full assessment of the support you need.
They will make a person-centred plan of how we will work together and stay in regular contact with you until the plan is completed.