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Alderney and Bourne Valley (2023)

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Elected candidates:

  • CHAPMANLAW Adrian David
  • MAIDMENT Rachel Marie
  • TRENT Tony
Alderney and Bourne Valley results
Candidate name:Description (if any):Number of votes
CHAPMANLAW Adrian DavidLiberal Democrat 1257 - Elected
COLONNA Renato RobertoGreen Party 371
LABIDI Michael AbrahamThe Conservative Party Candidate 535
MAIDMENT Rachel MarieLiberal Democrat 1341 - Elected
MC CORMACK CeliaLabour Party 716
MURRAY PhilipLabour Party 655
RIDLEY Gavin SeanAnimal Welfare Party - People, Animals, Environment 239
SINSBURY StephenLabour Party 613
SMALLEY Martin DavidIndependent 175
SMITH Lisle CarolThe Conservative Party Candidate 579
TRENT TonyLiberal Democrat 1314 - Elected
WAY SamThe Conservative Party Candidate 542



Rejected papers
The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows:Number of ballot papers
A) Want of an official mark 0
B) Voting for more Candidates than voter was entitled to 3
C) Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0
D) Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty 11
E) Rejected in part 0
Total 14

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