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Adult social care precept on your Council Tax bill

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Your bill shows 2 percentage changes for BCP Council, one for the part of the overall change attributable to general expenditure, and one for the part attributable to the Adult Social Care Precept. Whilst we understand this looks different to how other percentage increases are displayed, the bills have been calculated correctly, in accordance with regulations and guidance.

This year, we have increased Council Tax attributable to general expenditure by 2.99% (3.0% rounded to 1 decimal place) and increased the Adult Social Care precept by 2%. The percentage increases for general expenditure and the Adult Social Care precept are calculated on the combined total of the BCP Council and Adult Social Care charges from last year’s bill.

The following example shows how the percentages have been calculated for 2024/25 based on a Band D property.

Precept attribution example on a Band D property
Detail on bill 2023/24 Detail on bill 2024/25 Increase
BCP Council £1,457.09 BCP Council £1,507.42 3.0%
Adult Social Care precept £226.14 Adult Social Care precept £259.80 2.0%
BCP Council Bournemouth area total £1,683.23 BCP Council - total £1,767.22 5.0%

The BCP Council increase shown above for 2024/25 is calculated based on the total BCP Council charges for 2023/24 (in this example, £1,683.23).

  • £1,683.23 x 2.99% = £50.33
  • this amount is then added to the 2023/24 BCP Council charge of £1,457.09
  • £1,457.09 (last year's BCP Council charge) + £50.33 (this year's increase) = £1,507.42 (2024/25 BCP Council charge)

The Adult Social Care increase shown above for 2024/25 is also calculated based on the total BCP Council charges for 2023/24 (in this example, £1,683.23).

The Adult Social Care precept percentage change is calculated as follows:

  • £1,683.23 x 2.0% = £33.66
  • this amount is then added to the 2023/24 Adult Social Care precept of £226.14, as this is an accumulated charge
  • £226.14 (last year's Adult Social Care precept) + £33.66 (this year's increase) = £259.80 (2024/25 Adult Social Care precept)

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