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Carers and care workers Council Tax exemption

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If you’re a carer or care worker, you may be eligible for a reduction to your Council Tax.

There will be no reduction in Council Tax if there are still 2 other adults living at the property who do not qualify for a discount.

Check if you're eligible

If care is provided on a voluntary basis

You must not be a disqualified relative of the person you care for such as a spouse/civil partner (married or unmarried) or the parent of a child under 18 years.

You must live in the same property and provide care for at least an average of 35 hours a week.

The person being cared for must be entitled to at least one of the following state benefits:

  • any rate of Attendance Allowance
  • the middle or highest rate care component of a Disability Living Allowance
  • the standard or enhanced rate of the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment
  • the highest amount of increase in Disablement Pension
  • an increase in Constant Attendance Allowance
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment

If care is provided on a paid basis

If you are being paid to provide care, you must be:

  • paid no more than £44 a week
  • employed to provide care or support for at least 24 hours a week
  • employed by a local authority or charity (or employed directly by the person being cared for if introduced via a local authority or charity)
  • a resident in premises provided by the employer for the purpose of providing the care

How to apply

To apply for a reduction, please complete our online form. You’ll need to know your Council Tax account number.

Please contact us if you need any help with completing the application form.

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