If you’re a care leaver (care experienced young person), you may be eligible for a discount on your Council Tax.
Check if you’re eligible
To qualify, you must be liable to pay Council Tax for your home.
Support will be provided to care experienced young people, where we are the corporate parent, and the young person is a resident in the:
- BCP Council area
- Dorset Council area
- New Forest District Council area
A discretionary discount will be granted, up to:
- 100% of the Council Tax for eligible care experienced young people aged 18 to 23
- 50% of the Council Tax liability for eligible care experienced young people aged 24
The discount ends on your 25th birthday.
The value of the discount will depend on whether you’re the only person that has to pay Council Tax, or if you are liable with someone else.
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How to apply
To apply for a care leavers discount, complete our form and return it to the Children in Care or Care Leavers Service by email to ceypadmin@bcpcouncil.gov.uk. You’ll need to know your Council Tax account number.
They will check if you meet the criteria and verify the form for the Council Tax team so that they can apply the saving to the bill.
Please contact us if you need any help with completing the application form.