Report blue badge fraud
Misuse of the disabled parking badge (also known as the blue badge) allows fraudsters to avoid paying parking charges.
Fraudsters are also stopping others who are in genuine need using parking spaces.
The most common types of fraud include:
- forged badges such as scans or photocopies
- selling lost or stolen badges
- using the badge even though the disabled person it belongs to is not present
- using the badge after the badge holder has died
- faking or exaggerating a disability to get a blue badge.
How to report blue badge fraud
You can contact us of any concerns you have where you suspect fraud has been committed, by completing our fraud report form.
You are able to report fraud anonymously.
However, in most cases it would be helpful if you could leave your contact details, so that we can contact you for further information should we need it.
If we do need to share information that you’ve provided to us, will we contact you for your consent.