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Community Asset Transfer - giving ownership to the community

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A Community Asset Transfer is a process by which we can pass ownership of land, buildings, or structures – known as "assets" – to an independent group. This group would then manage the asset. Groups considered for transfer would be any based in and operating in the district, and may include:

  • community groups
  • voluntary groups
  • charities
  • faith-based organisations
  • town or parish councils

We might give an asset to a group if we no longer need it to deliver our services, or if it's underperforming. We might also give an asset to a community group who already hired the asset from us for their use.

How to apply for a Community Asset Transfer

You can submit an application form to let us know you are interested in an asset. Once this application is approved, you can submit a full business case for the transfer. Then we will make our final decision and agree terms.

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