There are a number of community centres available for use across our council area.
Community centres in Bournemouth
Beaufort Community Centre: Beaufort Road, Southbourne BH6 5LB. You can call the centre on 01202 417143, or email enquiries@beaufortca.org.
Ensbury Park Community Centre: Ensbury Avenue, BH10 4HG. You can call the centre on 01202 536255, make a booking on 07423 051725 or email epca@talktalk.net.
Howe Croft Community Centre: 1 Turnbull Lane, BH11 9BG. You can call the centre on 01202 581918 or email howecroftcommunitycentre@hotmail.com.
Kinson Community Centre is owned by BCP Council and offers rooms for hire.
Moordown Community Centre: Coronation Avenue, BH9 1TW. You can call the centre on 01202 536268 or email info@mcacommunitycentre.co.uk.
Muscliff Community Centre: Shillingstone Drive, BH9 3LR. You can call the centre on 07591 602685, make a booking on 07445 245618 or email muscliffcommunitycentre@gmail.com.
Strouden Community Centre: 31 Vanguard Road, BH8 9NY. You can call the centre on 01202 980161 or email stroudenparkcc@gmail.com.
Townsend Community Centre: Jewell Road, BH8 0LT. You can call the centre on 01202 301556 or email townsendcommunitycentre@outlook.com.
The Phoebe Centre: Gloucester Road, BH7 6JB. You can call the centre on 01202 399199 or email chair@tsphoebe.org.uk.
Community centres in Christchurch
Burton Youth and Community Centre: Sandy Plot, Burton, Christchurch, BH23 7NH. You can email the centre on burton@dorset-aptc.gov.uk.
Christchurch Rowing Club Facilities: Wick Lane, Christchurch, BH23 1HU. You can email the centre on enquiries@christchurchrowingclub.co.uk.
Druitt Hall: High Street, Christchurch, BH23 1AB. You can email the centre on druitt.hall@gmail.com.
Mudeford Wood Community Centre: Pipers Drive, Mudeford, BH23 4TR. You can email the centre on office@mwct.co.uk.
Portfield Community Hall: Portfield Road, Christchurch, BH23 2TW. You can email the centre on info@portfieldhall.co.uk.
Regent Centre: 51 High Street, Christchurch, BH23 1AS. You can call the centre on 01202 499199 or email admin@regentcentre.co.uk.
Somerford ARC: 20 Southey Road, Christchurch BH23 3EH. You can call the centre on 01202 470 770, or email info@somerfordarc.com
Somerford Community and Youth Centre: Bingham Rd, Somerford, BH23 3AH. You can call the centre on 01202 476882, 07785 935928 or email Somerfordycc@gmail.com.
St Catherine’s Hill Community Hall: 17 Marlow Drive, Christchurch, BH23 2RR. You can email the centre on bookings@hallonthehill.org.uk.
Community centres in Poole
Alderney Manor Community Centre: 287 Herbert Avenue, Poole, BH12 4HT. You can call the centre on 01202 740026.
Alderney West Community Centre: 77 Bedford Road, Poole, BH12 4PR. You can call the centre on 01202 745392 or email pcomeau@hotmail.co.uk.
Bearwood Community Centre: King John Avenue, Bournemouth, BH11 9TF. You can call the centre on 07975 627515 or email bearwoodcca@hotmail.co.uk.
Broadstone Community and Arts Centre: 21 Dunyeats Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AB. You can call the centre on 01202 605504.
Branksome Centre: Recreation Rd, Poole, BH12 2BQ. You can call the centre on 01202 920947 or email adminbranksome@poolecommunitiestrust.org.uk.
Canford Heath Community Centre: 7 Mitchell Road, Poole, BH17 8UE. You can call the centre on 01202 677757, 07871 183880 or email info@canfordheathcommunitycentre.org.uk.
Creekmoor Community Centre: Northmead Drive, Creekmoor, BH17 7XZ. You can call the centre on 01202 912711 or email creekmoorca@gmail.com.
Hillbourne Community Centre: 69 Cavan Crescent, Poole, BH17 7EY. You can call the centre on 01202 601280 or email hadca.poole@outlook.com.
Merley Community Centre: Harrier Drive, Poole, BH21 1XE. You can call the centre on 01202 880235 and 01202 841330, or email about bookings on mca.allbookings@gmail.com.
Poole Old Town Community Centre: 2 Lagland Street, Poole, BH15 1RR. You can call the centre on 07752 184121 and 01202 660058, or email potca@hotmail.co.uk.
Talbot View Community Centre: 3 Alder Park, Alder Road, Poole BH12 4AY. You can call the centre on 01202 746764.