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Refer an early years child into the Area SEN Co-ordinator (SENCO) service

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If you are an early years provider, you can refer a child to the Area SEN co-ordinator (SENCO) service in our area if the following is true:

  • the child attends or is about to start with an early years provision (including childminders) – for school support, see separate referral process
  • The early years provision must be within Bournemouth, Christchurch, or Poole - for more information on cross border arrangements, contact
  • the child meets Universal Plus, Partnership Plus or a statutory level of SEND need - see our graduated response toolkit
  • parents must have given consent for the referral using the parental permission form

If the above is all true, there are two pathways to use.

Use the Graduated Response pathway to the Area SENCO service if you, the provider, have completed two cycles of the graduated response, and can supply evidence.

Use the Fast Track pathway to the Area SENCO service if one or more of the following is true:

  • the child has a diagnosis
  • the child is known to the Child Development Centre
  • the child is known to Portage
  • the child has had, or is having, an assessment for significant concern by another professional, including a complete Section 23 notification 
  • the child's education placement is breaking down or the child is at risk of exclusion, despite appropriate support being in place
  • the child is in care, in child protection or on a child in need plan and needs an assessment
  • the child is open to Early Help targeted support teams and needs an assessment

How to make a referral

Early years practitioners can make an online referral to the service.

Supporting information and the parental permission form should be emailed to alongside completing the online referral form.

Contact us

You can discuss the referral with us by:

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