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Community safety Smart Place use case

BCP Smart Place use case: Community Safety - YouTube

Use case overview

This proof of concept project deployed a AI-driven video analytics solution that analyses CCTV footage in the BCP Control Room to alert operatives based on configurable parameters.

The challenge

Monitoring CCTV is a vital activity in the service of protecting the public. It is monitored proactively (detecting incidents as they occur) and reactively (looking back at footage to see if a particular object or person has been captured). Reactive analysis is time-consuming; both types are time-consuming and prone to human error.

The AI-driven video analytics solution proactively and reactively analyses CCTV footage to produce insights and alerts. Through this solution, it allows the Council's Control Room operatives to set parameters for the AI to detect in ingested footage. This can be, for example, the colour of types of clothing if received a report of a missing person with specific details.

When reactively analysing footage, any video segments that match the set parameters are isolated, with the incidental objects also captured in the footage blurred for privacy.

Why is this important?

Security and issues around security are really important to local people. This is recognised as a council priority. The ability to improve community safety, cost effectively is a significant benefit for both local residents and the local authority.

This efficient way of CCTV monitoring saves time, stops crime, and ultimately saves lives.

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