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Challenge a licence

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We make all the applications for review public whether they are new or an old application that's up for review. This gives you the opportunity to give your feedback about the application by making a representation.

A representation is a form of complaint you can make against a licence if it will affect you. As with all complaints made to us, we take them very seriously. If they appear to be frivolous, vexatious or not relevant, we will not consider them. Representations can also be made in support of an application.

Copies of all representations are sent to the applicant. They can decide whether or not they want to contact the person making the representation to discuss it.

If negotiations don’t work, or you choose to not make contact, the representation and name and address of that person will be placed in a report. The report is a public document and available to view by any person on request. If you don’t want us to disclose your information publicly, let us know.

A Notice of Hearing document will be sent to any person who has made a valid representation. The date, time and place where hearing will be held will be included in the notice of hearing.

For guidance on making a representation download our document.

To make a representation download our form and submit to:

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