Business support organisations and networks
Organisations that can help with the sourcing the right workforce and support with upskilling staff.
AECC University College
- higher education
- AECC University College website
Arts University Bournemouth (AUB)
- higher education
- AUB website
Bournemouth and Poole College
- further education
- Bournemouth and Poole College website
Bournemouth Chamber of Trade & Commerce
- referrals to business support and networking
- Bournemouth Chamber of Trade & Commerce website
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (BCP)
- ED team provide business support and signpost to partners
- BCP Council website
Bournemouth Coastal BID
- delivering Business Plan by investing in creating a strong trading environment through improving vitality and viability of the area
- Bournemouth Coastal BID website
Bournemouth Town Centre BID
- delivering Business Plan by investing in creating a strong trading environment through improving vitality and viability of the area
- Bournemouth Town Centre BID website.
Bournemouth University
- higher education
- Bournemouth University website
Christchurch BID
- delivering Business Plan by investing in creating a strong trading environment through improving vitality and viability of the area
- Christchurch BID website
Christchurch Chamber
- discuss business development and promotional opportunities and review planning applications, traffic management and town centre issues
- Christchurch Chamber website.
Community Action Network (CAN)
- charity that provides professional and practical support to the voluntary sector in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
- CAN website
Creative UK
- champions, connects, supports and invests in creative people and businesses, Creative UK are a group of diverse and inclusive professionals who believe in the power of creative industries to change lives, placing creativity at the heart of the UK’s culture, economy and education system
- Creative UK website
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
- supports culture, arts, media, sport, tourism, and civil society across every part of England — recognising the UK’s world-leading position in these areas and the importance of these sectors in contributing so much to our economy, way of life and our reputation around the world
- Department for Culture, Media and Sport website
Department for Education
- responsible for children’s services and education, including early years, schools, higher and further education policy, apprenticeships, and wider skills in England
- Department for Education website
Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUCH)
- supports communities across the UK to thrive, making them great places to live and work.
- DLUCH website
Department for Science Innovation and Technology
- driving innovation that will deliver improved public services, create new better-paid jobs and grow the economy
- Department for Science Innovation and Technology website
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)/Jobcentre Plus (JCP)
- provides job-seeking and training support
- DWP website
Department of Business and Trade
- the department for economic growth, they support businesses to invest, grow and export, creating jobs and opportunities across the country
- Department of Business and Trade website
Dorset Business Mentors
- mentoring support for Dorset businesses
- employed by Dorset Council, Hosted by DGH
- Dorset Business Mentors website
Dorset Chamber
- provide business support (including exporting), networking and online training
- Dorset Chamber website
Dorset Engineering and Manufacturing Cluster (DEMC)
- creates opportunities to collaborate, create and innovate with industry partners, schools, colleges and universities
- hosted (and secretariat) by us
- DEMC website
Dorset Growth Hub
- provide fully funded business start-up and growth support
- DGH is managed by WSX Enterprise
- DGH website
Dorset LEP
- work with local/national providers covering finance, mentoring, business planning and training
- business support and information to find the right advice, support and funding
- contact via email or enquiry form
- Dorset LEP website
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)
help businesses to innovate and grow internationally
- the EC launched EEN
- co-financed under the European Union’s COSME programme
- EEN website
Federation of Small Business (FSB) – Wessex
- provide advice, financial expertise, support and a lobbying voice in government
- FSB website
Innovate UK
- drive productivity and economic growth by supporting businesses to develop and realise the potential of new ideas through innovation
- non-departmental
- Innovate UK website
Make UK
- enable manufacturers to connect, share, solve problems and create opportunities through regional/ national meetings, groups, events and boards
- Make UK website
Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)
- based in Coventry, an independent Research & Technology Organisation (RTO) linking academia and industry
- provides support to BCP E&M firms.
- MTC website
Partners in Care (PiC) - Cluster
- multi-stakeholder partnership working to raise the standard and quality of adult social care across Dorset
- Hosted by Bournemouth and Poole College
- PiC website
Poole BID
- delivering Business Plan by investing in creating a strong trading environment through improving vitality and viability of the area
- Poole BID website
Silicon South (SiSo) - Cluster
- a not-for-profit entity supporting the creative digital sectors to expand knowledge, build confidence and develop their potential
- SiSo website
Skills and Learning
- single joint adult learning service across BCP and DC (skills)
- Skills and Learning website
South West Manufacturing Advisory Service (SWMAS)
- design and deliver support to increase productivity, efficiency and skills to reach growth potential
- SWMAS website
UK Government departments, agencies, and public bodies
- building a stronger, greener future by fighting coronavirus, tackling climate change, unleashing innovation and making the UK a great place to work and do business.
- UK Government departments, agencies, and public bodies website