Mudeford Quay Dinghy Park
We operate a hardstanding dinghy park accommodating around 200 dinghies and tenders on Mudeford Quay. Each space within the park can accommodate a dinghy up to 4.5 metres in length (monohull). We also have a limited number of spaces for multihull boats up to 5 metres in length.
The site forms part of an open space so is accessible by the public. Please note that it is also prone to occasional weather related and tidal flooding.
Charges for the Mudeford Quay Dinghy park.
To apply for a space email
For further information please email or call 01202 123 800.
Additional information
- any licenses issued do not include any rights to car parking
- where a public car park is available, all parking regulations must be adhered to
- vessels/trailers left for more than 48 hrs within the Dinghy Park, car park or other open space without permission of the council or a relevant license may be removed and impounded after 14 days. A release fee of £100 + storage fees will be applicable
- we will take ownership of any vessel/trailer not claimed within 28 days and dispose of it
- a notice will be attached to any such vessel/trailer and where known, the owner contacted at the start of the 28-day period warning them of the intended action.