Trains usually run daily from 10am from Easter to October, but are subject to change depending on weather conditions.
Route heading west
Our route heading West starts from Bournemouth Pier (West), then travels to Branksome Chine, with stops at Durley Chine and Alum Chine.
You can board the train next to the Oceanarium.
This route is weekends only after Easter until May half term.
Route heading East
Our routed heading east starts from Bournemouth Pier (East), then travels to Boscombe, with a stop at Toft Zig Zag (drop off only).
You can board the train next to Harry Ramsden’s Restaurant.
You can request to stop at East Cliff lift, but please inform the driver upon boarding.
How much it costs to use the land train
Just get on board and pay on the train.
We only accept card payments.
Ticket type | Cost |
Adult single | £4.50 |
Child single (5 to 16 years) | £3 |
Family (up to 2 adults and 3 children) | £14 |
Adult unlimited | £8.50 |
Child unlimited | £5.50 |
Family unlimited | £25 |
Under 5s | Free |
1 carer travelling with a disabled person | Free |