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Protect your home while you're in care or in hospital

When you move to a care home or have a stay in hospital, we may be able to help protect your home and belongings if we think they are at risk. 

We will ask for your permission to enter the property, where we may:

  • arrange care for your pets
  • remove small items of value, such as cash and cheque books, and keep them safe
  • make a list of all large items, including furniture
  • secure the home

We may inform the police that your home is empty. We may also arrange for any outstanding bills to be paid, usually from your own funds

We may be able to store your belongings in a secure place if we are unable to secure your home.

We will look after your property until you return home or other arrangements are made. When you return, we'll give everything back to you.

If you are unable to return to your home, you will need to arrange for the future of your home, or get someone you know to manage it for you. We will only get involved if all known relatives and appropriate adults have refused to help you make arrangements.

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