We have equipment designed to help you with tasks you find difficult, such as using stairs, washing, dressing and using the toilet or getting in or out of a chair. We may also be able to help with small changes to your home.
The first step is to contact us, so we can find out more about you and what you need and see if we can help.
If we're able to help, we will look at the difficulties you have and suggest safe ways for you (or people caring for you) to do everyday tasks. This may include a visit from an occupational therapist.
We'll let you know about equipment that can help you, including:
- special cutlery
- raised toilet seat
- tools to help you cook
- chair or bed raisers
- tools to help you in the bath or shower
- chairs or beds designed to help you
We can also advise on emergency contact systems provided by Lifeline.
If you live in a housing association or a council home, make sure to let the right people know before making any adaptations for your home.
The initial assessment and the advice we offer is free. You may not need to pay for equipment or small changes to your home depending on your assessment.
We may be able to pay for changes to your home that cost under £1,000, or help pay for them.
If the changes to your home cost more than £1,000, you can apply for a Disabled facilities grant (DFG) to help pay for them.
Where you can get the equipment you need
Our service directory includes a list of suppliers of equipment that can help you with every day living.
Your GP or district nurse can help you find:
- walking aids
- walking sticks
- crutches
- walking frames
- rehabilitation exercises
- wheelchairs
- mobility scooters
- medical aids
- pressure cushions and mattresses
- home oxygen equipment to manage poor circulation
- continence advice and equipment
If you want to buy your own equipment or pay for further services, NRS Healthcare's Safe and Well website can help you find the right option for you.