Support with becoming a supplier
Upcoming changes to public sector procurement – what you need to know
Public procurement law is changing. The changes which come into place on 24 February 2025, will improve the way procurement is done, so that every pound goes further for our public services.
We have created guides to help you through the process including how to:
pdf , 610.08 KB
Tendering online
The online tender process is fully documented electronically, and the audit history can be scrutinised.
You must:
- read all the information to ensure you meet all the requirements before filling in your response
- make a note of key deadlines
- use the online messaging facility if you have any queries about the process or our documents
- ensure your response is submitted in on time - late responses are rarely accepted unless a technical fault can be evidenced
- contact us well in advance of the deadline if you experience technical problems or are unable to submit your response electronically
Do not:
- fill in the documents online - save them first
- alter any part of our original tender invitation documents including our pricing schedules
- include standard publicity or marketing material in your response - unless we have asked you to do so